Inayatiyya Musicians’ Guild

Welcome to the Inayatiyya Musicians’ Guild, a gathering of musicians
attracted to the spiritual teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan.

Our group includes professionals, amateurs, and aspiring musicians from many different musical languages and disciplines. Anyone who self-defines as a musician is welcome, from any country or musical tradition.

The Inayatiyya Musicians’ Guild cultivates and explores the mystical aspects inherent to music and sound. We do this in a variety of ways:

Musicians and singers are invited to join the Guild here or to email LatifaNoor at


Historic Recordings
With gratitude to Hamida Verlinden, we are pleased to share historic recordings of Murshid Mohammed Ali Khan singing songs of Shaikh-ul-mashaik Pyaromir Maheboob Khan and the Gayanshala.

Sufi Songs by Maheboob Khan
We are excited to offer six limited-edition Sufi songs, printed in Belgium in 1932, composed by Shaikh-ul-Mashaik Pyaromir Maheboob Khan to the words of Hazrat Inayat Khan. These are classic musical settings of some of Hazrat Inayat Khan’s most beloved prayers and sayings. All proceeds will benefit the publication effort for the full set of songs, which number over 50. Currently, due to the worldwide pandemic, we have closed our online store, but these songbooks will be available to you in the future. Special thanks to Shaikh-ul-Mashaik Mahmood Khan for making these out-of-print treasures available!

Reference Books

The Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan Centennial Edition, Volume II: The Mysticism of Sound

Purchase via Amazon
Purchase via Suluk Press



The Minqar-i Musiqar

Purchase via Suluk Press
New Soundcloud Audiobook
Notes on the Recordings