Inayatiyya Reentry
One-Day Alchemical Retreat Intensive w/ Pir Zia Inayat Khan
Sunday, September 5th, 2021

As we continue in the digital sphere, patiently awaiting when we may gather again in person, please join us for a one-day alchemical retreat intensive with Pir Zia. Our retreat will lead us through the seven alchemical stages, attuning us for the season ahead, be it spring or fall depending on your hemisphere.

Pir Zia will meet with us for three 1 hour and 15 minute sessions with 45 minute breaks between each one. We will begin at 11 am EDT (New York), please see the sidebar for your local time.

Zoom will open 15 minutes before our start time, allowing us to settle in. Additional details, including the Zoom link, will be sent out upon registration.

Again this year the tuition is a simple $60 for those who can afford this amount, and $30 for those on a more restrictive income. Scholarships are also available by emailing With advance registration, both the video (with sound) and also the audio by itself will be made available for you to experience the retreat at any time after September 5th.

Please contact us with any questions via

*Our one day, online retreat will be in lieu of the annual Inayatiyya Labor Day Retreat planned for the Abode and postponed due to a variety of variants.

Alchemical Retreat Schedule


United States East Coast Central Europe

11:00 am Pir Zia
12:15 pm Break
1:00 pm Pir Zia
2:15 pm Break
3:00 pm Pir Zia
4:15 pm Closing

17:00 Pir Zia
18:15 Break
19:00 Pir Zia
20:15 Break
21:00 Pir Zia
22:15 Closing


Sep 05 2021


11:00 am - 4:15 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Sep 05 2021
  • Time: 11:00 am - 4:15 pm


$30 - $60




Languages: English, Turkish, French, German


  • Pir Zia Inayat Khan
    Pir Zia Inayat Khan

    Pir Zia Inayat Khan, PhD, is a scholar of religion and teacher of Sufism in the universalist Sufi lineage of his grandfather, Hazrat Inayat Khan. Pir Zia is president of the Inayatiyya and founder of Sulūk Academy, a school of Sufi contemplative study and practice. He is the author of Immortality: A Traveler’s Guide; Mingled Waters: Sufism and the Mystical Unity of Religions; Saracen Chivalry: Counsels on Valor, Generosity and the Mystical Quest; and the editor and compiler of Dream Flowers: The Collected Works of Noor Inayat Khan, for which he also wrote the critical introduction. Pir Zia divides his time between Richmond, Virginia and Suresnes, France.