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⭐ 30 Days of Giving—Let’s Manifest Together…⭐

2 December 2023

Dear Friends,

We have such gratitude for those of you who answered our Big Questions with your heartfelt and engaged responses! Within only six days, 686 of you responded eagerly with your input which is truly amazing.* 

Now, over the next 30 days, we will share some of the takeaways from the survey and garner our collective intentions, magnetism and resources to set our priorities into the future. Our hope is to attune with each other and all that we hold dear and align in our longing for what we can be together.

And this being year-end appeal time, we hope that you will support us as we aim to raise $220,000 to support these priorities. So far we have thankfully received $95,000. We greatly appreciate your help with raising an additional $125,000 by Sunday, December 31, 2023. 

We need your financial help to manifest our collective yearnings! Please give generously!

With love,
The Inayatiyya

*It is not too late to answer our Big Questions! See here for all six sets of questions.


The Inayatiyya is a non-profit 501c3 organization, Tax ID #23-7159641. Your donation may be fully deductible for tax purposes per United States IRS guidelines. Online donations may be made via the “Give Today” button above. If you would like to donate via check, please make payable to the Inayatiyya, 112 E. Cary Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219. All checks must be received by Friday, December 29th to count toward our year-end appeal. Thank you!